I've been hard at work and finally getting to play again. My part time gig is crazy understaffed at the moment and that was before yesterdays events so we'll see how that plays out. I strained my back and wasn't able to do much of anything for about a week. But now I am back and in black! I am ready to play and create again! Luck for me I have great friends and loving family that always supports me and all my madness. That being said a good friend of mine that I've known for ever, and I mean forever, we've been friends since running camp in middle school! (Yes I was one of those kids that went to running camp.) Helped me out and set me up with Adobe suit.
I've been playing for the past couple of days and this is a recreation of an earl post but still a whole heap of lot of fun. I love taking every day objects and giving them some character. I am still playing with this one and there may be a cola bottle re-amp part III if I like one in particular. As always I'd love to know what you all think and if you have any suggestions or pointers as I play and work on projects!